Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai are essential for Law Enforcement.
What is the percentage of calls to which an officer responds where someone has a gun at the scene?
Answer: 100 percent. If an officer is present, there is a gun at the scene.
It is highly likely that if someone gets your duty firearm ‒ for any reason ‒ that person will kill you. In every confrontation a law enforcement officer is involved in, at least one firearm is present, the officer’s firearm. If your firearm is ever taken away from you, and you fail to defend your gun successfully for any reason, it may be the first and last time it will ever happen to you. It is highly likely that if someone gets your gun ‒ for any reason ‒ that person will kill you. Like all training, handgun retention must be hands-on, with a qualified trainer, and in as realistic an environment as possible.